An high alpine lake at ~2041m with blue skies, white clouds, larch trees with their autumn foliage at its peak and a snow covered mountain summit (at ~3205m) in the background, all perfectly mirrored in this windless and tranquil moment in time. A place full of magical peacefulness and calmness and a very dreamy situation which felt like a natural equilibrium (a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced) between reality and daydream for me while creating this photo.



Limited Edition: This photograph is sold exclusively in a limited edition of only ten pieces worldwide. You invest not only in a unique but very limited piece of art! Of course, you get a certificate of authenticity. You can choose from any sizes from 40x60cm (15,7"x23,6") up to 120x180cm (47,2"x70,9") and materials like Alu-Dibond, Acryllic-Glass, Forex or Glossy, Matte or Metalic Fine-Art print papers. See further purchase information below or get more information on this page or ask Dave directly.

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