Last weekend I re-visited the Elendstal in the Harz region. A pretty nice valley I first explored in this years winter season. The weather was overcast and a little rainy which is actually pretty good for forest photography because the rain pushes the natural colors and with a polarizer filter you can easily boost the overall contrast and at the same time reduces reflections of the water which makes a huge positive difference on the image. But unfortunately due to our autumn trip to the Dolomites and the massive rainfalls and strong winds during the last weeks I was a bit late to capture autumns beauty at its peak here. Even though the forests really looked awesome with all the yellow and red leaves at the top of the trees, the foliage directly above the river (called "Kalte Bode") was already mostly gone. Nevertheless, of course I looked for image compositions for future tours and years to come and took a few pictures here and there - see photos below - and most of all I enjoyed being out there and strolling through the autumn forests. I also again walked a part of one of my favorite hikes in Harz, namely a route near Braunlage along the lower and upper Bodefalls, also see photos below. For sunset I scouted along an artificial lake with a lot of beautiful foliage along its shore but which at this moment unforuntaley had almost no water in it, pretty unphotogenic. So I called it a day and drove back home to Leipzig.


Photos from this year:








Photos from previous years:










Find more beautiful autumn photos of the Harz region by clicking the following link: Autumn Photos from Harz


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Published 8 years and 9 months ago by Dave


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