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This blog contains all things related to landscape and architecture photography, focusing on photo journeys and trip-reports, articles

about in-field camera- and post-processing techniquesphoto reviews, videos and free wallpapers as well as some inspirational posts.


greetings, from, autumn, valley, forest, harz, germany, 2015Last weekend I re-visited the Elendstal in the Harz region. A pretty nice valley I first explored in this years winter season. The weather was overcast and a little rainy which is actually pretty good for forest photography because the rain pushes the natural colors and with a polarizer filter you can easily boost the overall contrast and at the same time reduces reflections of the water which makes a huge positive difference on the image. But unfortunately due to our autumn trip to the Dolomites and the massive rainfalls and strong winds during the last weeks I was a bit late to capture autumns ... Continue reading →

▲ Scroll up | Permalink | Read Comments (0) | Write CommentPublished 8 years and 9 months ago by Dave

Der neue Kalender "Wildes Deutschland" ist nun erhältlich.   Von den Küsten der Ostsee über die Mittelgebirge Harz und Sächsische Schweiz bis zu den Alpen erleben Sie eine große Vielfalt an wundervollen deutschen Landschaften. Erhältlich im Hochformat: Din A3 oder Din A4.       Hier gehts zur Galerie Continue reading →

▲ Scroll up | Permalink | Read Comments (0) | Write CommentPublished 11 years and 7 months ago by Dave

Can't wait for this years autumn season to begin! Looking forward to some decent hiking in the Central German Uplands of Harz and Saxon Switzerland National Park. :) This one is from last year. Taken in the middle of Leipzig on my way to work. Continue reading →

▲ Scroll up | Permalink | Read Comments (0) | Write CommentPublished 11 years and 10 months ago by Dave

Recently I returned from a three weeks photo trip spanning from the Baltic Sea, Germany in the north south to the Dolomites in Italy. I drove about 3500km - partway on extreme alpine roads in the Alps. Hiked up to about 2700m above sea level; saw awesome landscapes and had a nice time with some interesting weather and lighting conditions. I'm really looking forward to select and process some of the over 1200 photos I've shot. Continue reading →

▲ Scroll up | Permalink | Read Comments (0) | Write CommentPublished 13 years ago by Dave


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